It takes us a split second to swipe our cards or enter the OTP when purchasing a branded product. However, “Bhaiya thoda kam kar do!” is a phrase that is always at the tip of our tongues while we shop locally. I remember riding my bicycle to the nearest cattle farm once when I was 10. With admiration covering my entire face, I watched the locals take out fresh milk for me. Not only was the produce untouched by impurities but it held a sentimental value for me in comparison to the packaged items we’d get at home.

Our fast-paced, mechanized lives seemed to push us away from buying locally. Getting products right at our doorstep became a habit out of convenience. Recently as the pandemic overcast all of us, we succumbed to staying in and slowing down. With restraints in traveling and selective lockdowns still happening around the world, consumers opened their eyes to sourcing products locally. A habit we at Mulya vouch for and live by. We’ve listed down a few boons to inculcating this habit, hoping to inspire our growing community.

5 Reasons to Buy Locally Handcrafted Clothing

1. Economy Booster

Buying locally helps circulate money into our regional and national diaspora. Generates opportunity for the indigenous communities. According to a study by the American Independence Business Alliance, for every $100 spent with a local business, about 68% remains in the city. If that same $100 is spent at a big retailer, it leaves only 43% in the community.

2. Job Generator

With the constant growth of the fashion industry and businesses expanding. Consumers will help in the creation and retention of jobs for people by investing in the local community. This further helps in strengthening the morale and culture of the community.

3. Personal Touch and Customization

Locally made products always serve a sense of uniqueness. The products are unlike the mass-produced lookalikes. The advantage of having locally procured clothing is that you have the opportunity to get them customized as per personal preferences.

4. Preserving Cultural Heritage

With exquisite handicrafts and artisanal skills exploding all over India. Buying these products helps preserve old crafts and serves as a pillar for sustenance. Traditional Indian skills are constantly struggling to thrive due to industrialization. With the growing popularity of “Vocal for Local,” there seems to be a silver lining after all.

5. Reduced Carbon Footprint

Not only is buying locally good for the economy but good for the environment. The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world, reduction in carbon footprint will do wonders. With reduced demand for international shipping the emission of pollutants will diminish.

Let’s take a step towards making this world better each day. As Mahatma Gandhi rightly said,

“There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness”.

Written by- Saumya Bhattacharji



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